You are currently viewing 6 Instagram Stickers to hook people atention from your Insta story

6 Instagram Stickers to hook people atention from your Insta story

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6 Instagram Stickers to hook people attention from Story

Surely, there is no stranger to major of people on social media about the special stickers on the IG story. However, not everyone may acknowledge the purpose of different stickers and how do they drive audience attention and encourage engagements at the best results. Therefore, in the rest of this blog, Bestcheaplikes has suggestions for each specific type of sticker that comes with its own purposes and benefits for Instagram users.

1. Quiz and Poll Sticker:

Instagram Quiz

Use for the purpose:

  • Public audience research
  • Looking for content ideas
  • Create views, discussions, increase conversion rate
  • Create minigames


  • Public education
  • Get more ideas to create more engaging and relevant content for users
  • Create engagement and interaction

Instagram Story now has a lot of tools to help users connect with their fans, especially quizzes and polls. Taking advantage of this advantage from Instagram, with a frequency of 1-2 times a week, you can create questions related to your niche content or create polls to survey what your followers are interested in. In addition, the poll becomes even more popular when combined with the content “Followers on Instagram control me” made by many famous Youtubers. This is one of the ways to help influencers maintain effective interactions with fans without forcing.

With what is being shown on social networks, have you ever wondered what your followers think about you / about the content you create? By creating a poll, followers can choose their priorities for them. one of the two content you’ve ever produced (ex: two Youtube/TikTok videos if you’re content creators, two outfits if you’re a fashionista), you’ll know what your audience wants more of, and from there can adjust the content accordingly!

2. Q&A Sticker

Q&A Instagram Sticker

Use for the purpose:

  • Integrate with affiliate marketing
  • Increase public trust and understanding
  • Increase overall reach


  • Have a better relationship with the audience
  • Get more content/product ideas
  • Using Instagram Story’s questioning tool is a common practice on IG.

Use Q&A to create opportunities for your audience/followers to reach out and engage more deeply with the people behind the accounts they follow. You can also think about using a Q&A Sticker to help gather more ideas, respond to your content, and learn more about your community!

In addition to answering questions from fans, you can completely ask questions and react to people’s answers. This content is very popular with fans when interacting with influencers, especially questions about topics they care about, emotional advice, and advice.

3. Countdown Stickers

Use for the purpose:

  • Create FOMO (Fear of Missing out) effect
  • Create excitement
  • New product/content/activity launch
  • A reminder of upcoming activities, call to action


  • Get positive feedback
  • Increase engagement, reach and navigation through other platforms

This is the type of Story used to introduce the launch of new content/new products. With a specific communication plan, Story will be the ideal place to navigate Instagram users through other platforms where the product will be launched or create FOMO that makes users eagerly look forward to new activities to be introduced. Besides, you can combine countdown stickers and create CTA and attach navigation links to new products on Youtube/ TikTok/ Facebook or re-up Reels/ IGTV calling for people to interact.

4. Link Sticker

Use for the purpose:

  • Navigate to website or Youtube channel
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Promote sponsored products/brands

Benefit for:

  • Increase traffic for website/Youtube channel/Blog
  • Make money easy, popular

Previously, the link attached to the Story required viewers to swipe up to access or click the See More text below to be redirected to the link you inserted. However, now, Instagram has discontinued the swipe up link feature to replace it with a new approach – Link Sticker. However, many users think that the Link Sticker is difficult to click, while the rest find this feature to make the story more compact and still display the reply to the message.

5. Donate Sticker

Donation StickerBenefit for:

  • Increase brand awareness and support in the community
  • Strengthen brand loyalty

In early August 2019, Instagram had launched stickers to help people and businesses raise money for selected causes amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Instagram allows eligible nonprofits and their supporters to raise money for charity directly on Instagram through the donation sticker in Instagram Stories and the donate button on the Instagram Business Account.

If you’re an influencer, celebrity, or socialite, using donation stickers to support and raise awareness of the causes they care about – makes them a success. should be closer to their audience.

If you’re a nonprofit, donation stickers are a great way to build awareness of your mission and brand image.

6. DM Me Sticker


Use for the purpose:

  • Encourage meaningful conversation
  • Collect respond

Benefit for:

  • Inspire ideas
  • Bringing your brand closer to the audience

Leveraging the DM Me sticker is a great way to spark engagement and start an intimate conversation with your audience.

There are many purposes you can use DM Me stickers. For example, you can use it to advertise an upcoming event or a new product line. Besides, you can get feedback from your audience if you are a business.

Instead of waiting for the audience to find them, from now on with Instagram’s DM label, content creators can actively call for interaction, creating opportunities for live conversations, can make your brand much more user-friendly.

It’s easy for followers to forget that a real person exists behind the screen, so encouraging interaction in this way can be a great reminder.

Final Words:

Above all, to capture your audience’s attention amidst the thousands of Instagram Stories being shared every day, you need to appeal to even the smallest of interactions. We hope the above shares will inspire your next Instagram Story ideas with various stickers. Besides, don’t forget that you can become popular in the eyes of the Instagram community with Bestcheaplikes engagement boosting services like Instagram live views, Instagram story views or Instagram comments,…Trying our services and take your Instagram experiences to a whole new level!


