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How to get a custom Youtube channel username?

  • Post author:

What are custom Youtube channel and default channel URLs?

  • What’s a custom Youtube channel URL?

That’s a format channel that you can add your username in the link such as or

  • What’s a default channel URL?

A default channel URL will have a format link such as

How to change a format link to a custom channel username?

The criteria to change a custom channel URL:
To get custom Youtube channel URLs such as or Your channel will need to respond to 4 criteria as below:

  • A channel needs to have from 100 subscribers (>=100).
  • Be at least 30 days old on the Youtube channel.
  • Need to upload a picture/logo on a Youtube channel profile.
  • Need to upload a Youtube channel cover
  • Get a custom Youtube channel URL

  1. Sign in to YouTube Studio.
  2. From the left menu, select Customization => Basic info.
  3. Under Channel URL, click Set a custom URL for your channel.
  4. In the box, you’ll see your custom URL. You can add extra letters or numbers to make your custom URL unique.
  5. Click PUBLISH, then Click CONFIRM to confirm your custom URL.
  • Imagines instructions

  • Step 1: Go to
  • Step 2: Choose a “Customization” function

customization function


  • Step 3: Choose Basic Info ==> Add links ==> “Enter your link Title” (required) textbox & “URL” (required) textbox!

change a custom channel username

  • Step 4 (Final): Click PUBLISH, then click CONFIRM that your channel URL changed is correct!

Note: After you change a custom channel URL, you can’t change to another username again!

