What are custom Youtube channel and default channel URLs?
- What’s a custom Youtube channel URL?
That’s a format channel that you can add your username in the link such as youtube.com/yourcustomname or youtube.com/c/yourcustomname.
- What’s a default channel URL?
A default channel URL will have a format link such as https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5pToe_vzRD5-aCcsgeo6rA
How to change a format link to a custom channel username?
The criteria to change a custom channel URL:
To get custom Youtube channel URLs such as youtube.com/yourcustomname or youtube.com/c/yourcustomname. Your channel will need to respond to 4 criteria as below:
- A channel needs to have from 100 subscribers (>=100).
- Be at least 30 days old on the Youtube channel.
- Need to upload a picture/logo on a Youtube channel profile.
- Need to upload a Youtube channel cover
Get a custom Youtube channel URL
- Sign in to YouTube Studio.
- From the left menu, select Customization => Basic info.
- Under Channel URL, click Set a custom URL for your channel.
- In the box, you’ll see your custom URL. You can add extra letters or numbers to make your custom URL unique.
- Click PUBLISH, then Click CONFIRM to confirm your custom URL.
Imagines instructions
- Step 1: Go to https://studio.youtube.com/
- Step 2: Choose a “Customization” function
- Step 3: Choose Basic Info ==> Add links ==> “Enter your link Title” (required) textbox & “URL” (required) textbox!
- Step 4 (Final): Click PUBLISH, then click CONFIRM that your channel URL changed is correct!
Note: After you change a custom channel URL, you can’t change to another username again!