That’s a good question on Quora and i want to answer or clarify those query as below:
Mean that you want to get Youtube Subscribers for free?
Answer: Nothing is free. WHY?
As my experience, only has 3 effective ways to get Youtube Subscribers for free!!!
1/ You can ask your friends on social networks to click SUBSCRIBE for your channel.
Of course, this method only helps your Youtube channel receive about 10–100 Youtube Subscribers at maximum. This depends on your popularity on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter…
2/ You can use SUB4SUB method (Youtube Subscribers exchange)
You can join Facebook Group when search: “Youtube Subscribers exchange” on Facebook. Then you click SUBSCRIBE for other channels and request them to SUBSCRIBE BACK for your channel! But you will take much time and effort to SUBSCRIBE to other channels each day! Besides, the number of Youtube Subscribers likely reduce. WHY? Because haven’t anything can prevent Youtube users UNSUBSCRIBE after exchange!
I think you listened: “The time is money”. So if you take the time to get more Youtube Subscribers mean that you also lose the money. Then why you do not use Youtube marketing services that have a great system to bring high-quality Youtube Subscribers for your channel? You should answer this question by yourself.!

3/ Use websites for Youtube Subscribers exchange
Similar to the SUB4SUB method but this method will use a website (third-party) to exchange of Youtube Subscribers. You can use Subpals to get Youtube Subscribers for “free”. This website will help you exchange Youtube Subscribers for “free”! You only create an account and use your Youtube channel to SUBSCRIBE, WATCH, LIKE and COMMENT for 15 other videos and channels! Your Youtube channel will receive 10 Youtube Subscribers within 24 hours. Of course, the number of subscribers is unstable on your channel!
You think it’s fairly when you SUBSCRIBE, WATCH, LIKE and COMMENT for 15 other videos and only receive 10 Youtube Subscribers? Besides, what’s happen if your Youtube channel SUBSCRIBED for more than 1,000 other channels? Of course, you can’t continue to SUBSCRIBE for more channels. That’s an issue that you should review!
In addition, you also can buy Youtube Subscribers on Subpals but their prices really are so expensive when compare with other Youtube Subscribers services.
Then my question for you is: “Why you do not use Youtube marketing services to get Youtube Subscribers for your channel only with a few dollars instead get Youtube Subscribers that you think that it’s “free” but the truth that it’s else???” Clear that nothing is free with those methods above!
Buy Youtube Subscribers is a great & effective way to bring Youtube Subscribers for your channel! Buy Youtube Subscribers will make your channel become more popular & more professional in a short time perform! You should review and compare a few Youtube marketing services to choose a reliable Youtube Subscriber service to follow your request!